• 5.4 Million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease.
• It’s the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S.
1) Heart Disease
2) Cancer
3) Stroke
5) Accidents
6) Alzheimer’s Disease
7) Diabetes
8) Flu & Pneumonia
9) Nephritis
10) Septicemia
• It is the only disease among the top ten that cannot be prevented, cured or even slowed.
• There are nearly fifteen million caregivers of Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients. If they all lived in the single state, it would be the fifth largest state.
• In 2010, these caregivers 17 billion hours of unpaid care.
• Alzheimer’s costs the nation $183 billion annually.
• Since 2000, death rates of other major diseases (HIV, Stroke, Heart Disease) dropped while deaths from Alzheimer’s have risen by 66%
• Every 69 seconds someone in the U.S develops Alzheimer’s.
• The numbers are rising and time is short. Take the time; spread awareness.
• Send these numbers to someone who needs to know about the Alzheimer’s epidemic.
From the Alzheimer’s Association